Sunday 18 January 2015

You need investors?

As we all know the east is cash rich, our investors in South East Asia will be looking to diversity their portfolios globally. And we know there is no better time to present these new opportunities than at the start of Lunar New Year. It's believed to be good luck to start something new at this time. Let us help your opportunity reach our investors please contact:

Monday 22 December 2014

Service is king

The occupancy rate at the big falls hotels is 30%. The problem is lack of marketing and everything is the same year after year. They need to be creative, reinventing themselves keeping people excited.

Friday 19 December 2014

Why Africa will always lag behind

Africa should look at the EU as an example of common growth through a support system. When any member(s) of the EU falls into a crisis, they pull together to bail each other out. You may say it's just to save the Euro but they could earlier kick the sick countries out. Africa on the other is too individualist, in fact they laugh at their ailing bothers. A family divided will never rise.

Do you think USA would be such an economic power house if the the states did not unit many years ago. 

But the key to a successful Union is transparency between member states. Then announce to the world "Africa is open for business!"

Africa does not realise how powerful it would be if they pull together and like china state cleaning up house.

We at Mustang Asset Management ( struggle to sell the African dream for the above reasons. We have had successes but it's a dog fight with our investors.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Online line lending fraud

There are some red flags that I believe every borrower should consider before losing a lot of money:
1. These private lenders online are offering rediculatiously low interest rates. Interest rates are directly related to risk. So how can they be posting these interest rates before even doing a risk assessment.
2. The is no such thing a 100% funding  the fact that you have been searching online means your own bank had rejected you putting you at high risk. So who would then fund you 100%,
3. When ever you borrow funds there will be collateral required by true lenders. Collateral value is always greater than funds being borrrowed.

My opinion rather turn to equity financing and avoid these traps.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Why emerging market business can't raise capital

The whole issue with any investment is risk vs reward nothing else. Clearly international investors due to lack of exposure find emerging markets high risk. This is the purpose we introduced MAM-Pearl, through syndication risk could be spread. Our regional experts do full research and risk management before listing them on The Pearl.

Venture Capital Syndication

We have the first of its kind Venture capital syndication portal out of South East Asia focusing on emerging markets. Www.